Well, hey, there.
I'm Skylified, but you can call me Shay.
So, you need to understand...I SUCK at writing these kinds of applications, so don't burst out laughing while you read this.
I'm applying for you pet, Daica.
First of all, I'd like to point out how well her name goes with her costume. I don't know why, and I guess that just makes me wierd. Haha. It actually sounds like a name I might hear in my favorite TV show (which is Supernatural).[I can tell I'm already annoying you. Let me move on...]
Why do I want your pet? Well, besides the fact it's well-named well-named, and statted...I don't really care about those things. For all my time in Marapets, I've never really cared about the worth of pets. For this reason, I rarely trade pets. I.E., I probably will never trade Daica. Not even if someone offers a Chibs, or even a Rofling (I personally don't like any of those higher-LEs very much, anyway).
I???m not going to blab on about feeding/making her happy, because to be frank, it's vitual pet. I think it's pretty and I will care about it, but I probably won't bother to do all that. As you said in your blog post, I also "have better things to do than subject myself to hours wasted on". Ha. But I WILL say, I???m not stupid enough to portal a LE (we all know how that usually turns out...).
As I see, and I think I mentioned this earlier, that your beautiful Daica is statted. Well, I will promise that I will continue to stat her.
And, uh, yeah. That's about it.
I hope I'm considered!
Merry Christmas.