1. You would descibe yourself as:
a. Clever[]
b. Cool
c. Royal
d. Friendly
2. Your owner is planning on getting another pet. What would you suggest?
a. A pet that has NO knowledge. I should still be the cleverest in the family.[]
b. Any pet that has NOT got a COOL costume like me. I still HAVE to be the COOLEST pet on Mara!
c. Maybe another NEW servant for me.
d. Another kind pet so I can have ANOTHER new friend.
3. What would be your dream job?
a. Scientist, I wanna be known everywhere![]
b. I should have the coolest job on Mara!
c. JOB! ARE YOU MAD?!? I should have people working for me! NOT THE OTHER WAY ROUND!
d. Any job that will help me make alot of money so I can share it will my friends and poor people.
4. A new LE pet is created. What would you say?
a. "Welcome to Marapets. I am very clever. I am one of the cleverest pets on Mara."
b. "I am the coolest pet on Marapets. And I want it to stay that way. Ok?"
c. "Bow down before me. You are now one of my servants"
d. "Hello, Would you like to be friends?"[]
5. Which costume do you think would suit you?
a. School, So everyone can see that I am clever.
b. Ice. I am as cool as Ice.
c. Royal, The king needs to stand out.[]
d. Love, I care for everyone.
Most A's: Chibs
Most B's: Rofling
Most C's: Mordo
Most D's: Lati
3 a
1 c
1 d
i am a chib