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Eleka's Castle
The Fates are three evil Maradan goddesses who control the fate of every mortal and immortal marapet, from their birth to their death. These three goddesses, Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos control the destiny of your pets, and all of the other pets in Marada. The Fates are willing to put you to the test, by giving you an evil mission for either Cooking Ingredients, Voodoo Dolls or Poison items. They have 30 different missions for you, each harder than the last. You will need to find items and bring them back to them. If you fail to bring any of them, you will have to start again and they will also punish you and your pets.
Completed Level of 30
The Fates

Complete more Missions

The Fates can ask for these items on Level 1

Gold Crindol Horn
Devil Willa Tail
Vampire Tasi Fangs
Radioactive Doyle Wing
Poison Mushroom
Feliz Voodoo Doll
Yuni Horn
Knutt Poison
Gonk Voodoo Doll
Broken Bolimo Teeth
Speiro Voodoo Doll
Tail of Halloween Fasoro

If you add the Missions Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use The Fates every 6 hours instead of every 12 hours - for life!

The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect