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01:41:22 MST
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Foxfire Forest
Hackney the Feliz had one goal—to claim the Queen Bee’s gourmet honey, hidden high in a luxury beehive atop the tallest tree in Foxfire Forest. To get close without raising suspicion, he became a park ranger, giving him the perfect excuse to start chopping. With his axe swinging, Hackney is in a frenzy, dodging crashing branches as he hacks away at the massive trunk. One wrong move or a second too slow, and his dream of honey-covered glory would slip away...

Earn 50MP per 1 Points. Earn up to the maximum of 2,000MP each play.

You can play Feliz Frenzy up to 3 times per day for FREE. Game resets at 00:00MST. Here is the Prize List

Earn 50MP per 1 Point
2,000MP max per play
Bonus Prizes
7 items
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Resets at 00:00MST
in 22 hours and 18 minutes
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