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27th March 2006
18 years, 11 months & 17 days ago

Seven Books that were previously unreleased are now restocking. Make sure you have them before you start a Tarquin mission!

The Journals have now been fixed.

Five new Stars are restocking in Enpiah! They have already been activated for Ublish missions.

The Marapop event is now back to normal. It will still finish on the date planned, now with 3 clues every day! Sorry for the delay, the clubs and stock market were more important as this event can easily catch up.

Club Chat no longer duplicates your post when you edit it.
27th March 2006
18 years, 11 months & 17 days ago

Level 14 : Tomato Flavoured Marapop

Clue : 'The Doyle is sick!'

click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

27th March 2006
18 years, 11 months & 17 days ago

Level 13 : Diet Strawberry Flavoured Marapop


click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

26th March 2006
18 years, 11 months & 18 days ago

The Clubs are back online after a couple of weeks of maintenance. They have been totally recoded, with faster and more efficient coding and from our testing they are glitch-free. New features have also been added, such as Club Ranks for members, Club Permissions for you to allow members to have more power, such as to change the layout, quiz or poll and Private Clubs. We have also improved all of the previous features clubs had. Changing to the new clubs system may have caused a few odd problems, such as you being a member to the wrong club, but it should only have affected a few people. Please just leave the club and join the one you should be in. We hope you like our new changes, as soon as we are happy that they definately work without any problems, we will continue to work on more new features planned for the clubs. The clubs artwork will also be updated this week.

The Yoop minipet is now avaliable in more colours.

26th March 2006
18 years, 11 months & 18 days ago

The Lottery has been drawn for this week. Windago is the winner of the 370,300MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 1, 12, 13, 24, 15 and 6! Congratulations!

26th March 2006
18 years, 11 months & 18 days ago

  • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. startrekgeek is the winner of the Three Dukka Coin and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 8858! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 5MP per ticket!

    24th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
    The Stock Market has been updated. It now works properly and has a few changes since the last version. Shares that you buy automatically sell for their current price after 7 days from you buying them, if you haven't already sold them. They also load a lot faster and there is no more redirects when you buy or sell shares.

    The Zound minipet is now avaliable in more colours.

    A new Email Newsletter will be sent this week. It will have a FREE item attached, which can only be gained from you reading the email. Make sure that you have a valid email address on your account and that [email protected] and [email protected] are added to your allow list. The item will retire and will only be avaliable from this email.

    24th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 19 days ago

    Level 12 : Diet Lime Flavoured Marapop

    Clue : '35 minutes past'

    click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

    23rd March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 20 days ago

    Marasite & Journal Upgrade domain sites have finally been fixed. We would like to apologise for the delay, it was a long process of updating all of the sites and moving them to the new network. Please still allow 24 hours for your site to show up if it isn't right now and if you are still waiting for one of the upgrades to be processed, it has been missed out so please report it to us straight away. You should notice a huge increase in the speed of loading these sites.

    As you may have noticed, from April we will be giving away over $1,000 worth of prizes every month to our active members. It is completely free to enter and there is no small print, simply complete the Checklist for the month and you will be entered! Win a Playstation Portable or a Ipod Nano!

    The Frontpage has been updated now. We are gradually updating pages around the site to match the new-look Marapets, as some pages are still our old green or difficult to use with fonts being too dark. We should have the whole site completed in a couple of weeks.

    The Create A Pet link has been moved to the view pets section.

    Can you find the Abolous hidden avatar? Bigne has also been fixed, sorry for the problems with that one.
    22nd March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 22 days ago

    Level 11 : Strawberry Flavoured Marapop

    Clue : 'Kick It!!'

    click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

    22nd March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 22 days ago

    Just to clarify, the new Contest is NOT to design your own Referral Card. The current contest is to print off and use one of the ones we have right now, and send in a photo of the most creative and funniest way that you have used it to refer members.

    March's Account Upgrades are now ready and being given out at the average waiting time of 6 hours.

    The Rweek minipet is now avaliable in more colours.

    Shops and Galleries have been updated. You no longer need to upgrade them to hold more items, it is just for you to show up higher on the list of shops/galleries and on the Shop Search. We have also added a new Price Checker feature which will allow you to price items in your shop really quickly, as it gives the market value and the lowest price and the average price on the Shop Search!

    22nd March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 22 days ago

    Level 10 : Diet Radioactive Marapop

    Clue : 'But when A Leido Dances..'

    click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

    21st March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 23 days ago

    To help you get more referrals, Referral Cards have been introduced. Simply click on the card you would like and a page of 12 cards is generated, automatically with you referral URL. With the cards, your username is hidden so you can refer annoymously! Just print them off and give them out to friends or family, or to your parents to give to their friend's children. You may also want to hand them out randomly to people you do not know, or post one of them into a neighbour's house. You can then earn more referrals and more prizes from the Referral System!

    We are also running another fun Contest for you to send in your photos of the funniest use of your referral card! The best ones we receive will be added to the site and will win a blue, green, yellow or red Ercuw Potion that is not avaliable from upgrades or restocks. There will only be a few of this item on the site! Send in your photo to [email protected]. Don't forget to include your username and remember that if you don't want it shown on the site, don't send it in!
    20th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 23 days ago

    Level 9 : Coffee Flavoured Marapop

    Clue : 'It just has to be purple'

    click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

    20th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 23 days ago

    Even though they are a little late, we decided to release March Account Upgrades. We have not retired the November upgrades yet, this will be done next month. There are four different gold accounts for march, but no bronze or silver. You can pick the one you would like from each of them. You can purchase the upgrade now, but please allow up to 24 hours for it to be rewarded from this news update. After then it will be back to the average of 6 hours wait.

    We have a new limited edition pet. Introducing the Ercuw...

    There are four new Minipets...

    There are four new instruments. Each upgrade has one of them, and you may get 1, 2 or 3 of it with each upgrade.

    Each upgrade has a different colour potion or enchanted plushie you can get. There is a one in three chance of you getting an Fire, Mermaid, Wizard or Baby Ercuw, instead of an Ideus, Knutt, Newth or Zetlian.

    There are four new Opponents avaliable.

    There is also a book, cd, dvd or stamp with the new upgrades.

    19th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 24 days ago

    Level 8 : Diet Love in a Can

    Clue : 'Completely level with Mini Pets'

    click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

    19th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 25 days ago

    Level 7 : Musical Marapop

    Clue : '56 + potato + 88 + fish'

    click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

    19th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 25 days ago

    The Lottery has been drawn for this week. Alainaisfun4ever is the winner of the 150,300MP Jackpot with the winning numbers of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 15! Congratulations!

    19th March 2006
    18 years, 11 months & 25 days ago

    • Last Week's Raffle has now ended. ladybug12158 is the winner of the Three Dukka Coin and 100,000MP prize with the winning raffle ticket number 1581! Congratulations! Make sure you buy your tickets for today's raffle - only 5MP per ticket!

      18th March 2006
      18 years, 11 months & 26 days ago

      Level 6 : Diet Pepper Flavoured Marapop

      Clue : 'There will be more soon, the hydrogen pump is just slow.'

      click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

      18th March 2006
      18 years, 11 months & 26 days ago

      We have just started Referrals Month, which will give you tons of extra rewards for referring new members to us. Up until April 18th, for each member you successfully refer to us, using your referral link, will get you a random gift from us, aswell as the rewards from the Referral System. Gifts will be anything from 100MP to 500,000MP, Crystals and Dukka Coins to DNA, Enchanted Quell, Sindi and Chibs Plushies! You may also get extra pet stats, extra upload space or even $1-10 credit on your account to be used to purchase Account Upgrades!

      Each referral you get from now will send you a Maramail with you free gift inside. The more you refer, the more gifts you will get! You can refer by getting your friends or family to sign up with your referral link, using your referral link on signatures at forums on other sites, emailing people about us, placing a referral banner on your site or many other ways. If you need help understanding how referrals work, please go to the Help Forum.

      The Bigne Avatar has been hidden....

      To celebrate our fast new network, we are giving away Glowing Melted Eggs to randomly to those online, playing Marapets. There will be between 1 and 10 a day rewarded for the next two weeks. Make sure you are online for a chance to get one! They might not be released again for a while...
      18th March 2006
      18 years, 11 months & 26 days ago

      Level 5 : Sweetcorn Flavoured MarapopBR>
      Clue : 'Five a day will keep the doctor away!'

      click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

      17th March 2006
      18 years, 11 months & 27 days ago

      Level 4 : Diet Orange Flavoured Marapop

      Clue : 'Have you lost your house?'

      click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

      17th March 2006
      18 years, 11 months & 27 days ago

      We would just like to thank every member for your patience over the past two to three weeks while we fixed our problems. We have professionals monitoring all of our servers, adjusting and configuring them all to work perfectly and to find out the cause of our 'Server Error' and lagging. We have been told that they have been fixed and that we should not experience anymore problems and after the past couple of days, its looks like we are back to normal and faster than ever! There will not be anymore planned downtime of the site for a very long time now.

      No clues will be given for this Cheese Avatar!

      The Poera is now avaliable in checkered!
      17th March 2006
      18 years, 11 months & 27 days ago

      Level 3 : Banana Flavoured Marapop

      Clue : 'Not taurus, not Virgo and definately not Libra...'

      click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza