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1st November 2005
19 years, 4 months & 11 days ago

November is here and as always, marapets has lots on its way. October was a very odd month for us, with lots of downtime and server problems but we managed to get all of the servers we needed and if you were online on Sunday, you would have seen that we managed 15,000 page views every five minutes without any serious problems, downtime or lagging. However, we did have problems with our image server and as we are growing very rapidly, we would like to keep ahead with the hardware so that we never experience the problems of October again. Therefore, this month's Account Upgrades money will be saving for more image servers and two more top-of-the-range servers which host the main areas of the site. We would also like to let you know that this month will definately see the return of Marahomes and we also hope to have MaraTalk released in beta - however this is still uncertain. On top of that we will have lots more cool stuff we will suprise you with!

The new Account Upgrades are here and this time with a Shadow/Gothic theme. They are avaliable to purchase now, however they will not be awarded until tomorrow. Here is what you can get:

Sindi is the 26th Marapet! It is limited edition and this will be the last time for you to get this pet through Account Upgrades - this pet is very limited.

There is a Gothic Costume with the Sindi and Tantua now avaliable in this colour. You can also get an Enchanted Plushie to be able to get a Gothic Sindi or Tantua..

There is a new battle opponent named Shadow.

There is also a new Shadow Blade and Schmog minipet!

29th October 2005
19 years, 4 months & 14 days ago

As Halloween is on monday, starting from today, all week will be Trick or Treating Week here at Marapets. To take part, all you have to do is have a Halloween pet to go tick or treating with. Then every hour, you can go to visit Elger and collect a free gift! Simple as that. You can win anything from 10MP to 10,000MP or some cool new items, such as a Elger Plushie or the new Batz minipet. All items given out by Elger for halloween this week will be retired next week, and retired items will never be avaliable again.

Don't have a Halloween Marapet? All this week the Halloween Costume will be restocking at rarity 5! There is also now a halloween Newth and Zetlian..

We will also be giving out two Zombie Costumes and two Mutant Costumes a day all week! The server has been set to randomly select 4 different times each day this week to award one of the items to a member that is online! After that, both costumes will be retired. The Mutant Walee and Chibs have also been completed.

The latest avatar is for Trick or Treat week here at Marapets. This means it will retire by next weekend.

The Halloween Treats shop is restocking 10 new items! Most pumpkins no longer restock.

Finally, for those who are going out trick or treating or having their own halloween parties, we wish you all a fun and safe Halloween!
26th October 2005
19 years, 4 months & 17 days ago

All Avatars have been fixed. This means that even Marasite Shoutboxes are back online! There are also two new avatars for you to find...

The Prison has been added to the City map.

The Layout of the site has been updated. We now have a Gallery icon to help you get to you gallery quicker. We also have adverts at the bottom of the page run by Adbrite. If you are looking to advertise with us, please now do it through Adbrite.

As promised with the release of DNA minipets, Mutant Pets will be avaliable when you use the DNA Minipets Laboratory. There will be a chance that one of the two pets you operate with may turn mutant. The Mutant Reese and Quell have now been completed.

The Clown Osafo has been revamped to fit in with the new-look Osafo. It finally looks nice =D

25th October 2005
19 years, 4 months & 19 days ago

All Server Upgrades have now been completed. It has taken us over four months to get the money to afford it and has taken almost 60 attempts but we know have the site running in the perfect set up for us. We have 20 servers all networked and running together to make the site very fast for you all, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with no downtime. We would like to once again thank you all for your patience throughout all this time, as there have been lots of problems, glitches, errors and downtime while we set it all up. Most of these errors have already been fixed, but any that have not, please let us know. Also, for those who have been with us in the past when we have had problems, we now have daily backups on all 20 servers to ensure that no data is ever lost. A special thank you for all of those who have donated and helped make all of this possible.

There are 12 new Jobs now avaliable at the Job Centre in the City. There is now a wide range of different stats and income for you to find a perfect job for your pet. We have finally released Job Promotions, which means that a new random event will show up for you to move to a higer position than the one you are currently in. However, higher positions require higher stats but also have a higher income. Your pet could start as Homecoming Queen on 90MP a day and after 8 promotions become a Supermodel on 1550MP a day! Remember that you can have upto 8 pets all with their own jobs, so make sure that you are training and attending the school for the highest paid jobs!

The Prison has been released! The Maradan Prison is where pets are confined when they have committed a crime. Crimes can range from using illegal items, your pet getting caught having an illegal job or just by not paying our bills - either way, imprisonment is the only way to punish them. The prison will be added to the city later today, for now please click on the prison image below.

If your pet does ever get caught commiting an illegal offence, such as using an Illegal Concoction or with a job like a Computer Hacker, here are some of the Prison Costume pets. There is one for all 25 marapets and a costume too!

The default Yakubi and Newth avatars have now been updated.

20th October 2005
19 years, 4 months & 23 days ago

The latest pet revamp is my favourite so far. The Knutt has been updated and has much more character. It was gigantic and strange before and I now have a Green Knutt! Hope you like it too...

RESTOCK CHANGES - The restock system of the site has been completely updated. Yesterday you may have seen a huge amount of items restock. This was to quickly balance the site from our recent item problem. Restocks are now fairer, less predictable and overall restock more often. Another important change is that you can no longer restock more than one shop at a time and you can no longer remember the link to an item you are restocking. This means that there is nothing other than internet connection speed that will make restocking unfair. We hope you appreciate the changes.

We have two new Hidden Avatars. It looks like the last three that were released are not working. They should be fixed as soon as these are activated today.
19th October 2005
19 years, 4 months & 25 days ago

This is how the newly revamped Yakubi looks! We never really like the original Yakubi that much and it now has a lot more character to it!

The deault Leido Avatar has been updated.
18th October 2005
19 years, 4 months & 25 days ago

All of our new Servers have now finally been set up. It may not seem like it, but for the past 4 months we have been trying to get the perfect set up for Marapets so that in the future we can easily expand without having to limit what we have to offer! Please be patient and expect a few problems and random downtime this week. You should notice that from next week that downtime will be a thing of the past and that now we have all of the servers set up, we can get back to daily news updates!

The Newth is the latest pet to be revamped. We hope you really like the changes!

If you haven't noticed already, we have added the link to MaraTalk underneath the side bar. We haven't told you much about it recently, but it will be a free downloadable program simililar to many popular instant messengers where you can login with your Marapets account (over 13s only) and chat to other members in real-time. There are TONS of unique features coming along with it, and its looking great...

Pet Profiles and Maramail have new icons - they look much nicer now.

And finally, as we haven't had an new Avatar in a while, here is three new ones!
9th October 2005
19 years, 5 months & 3 days ago

Maramail has been updated! Thanks to the support of all members, we were able to get Maramail its own server. You can now store upto 1,000 maramails! You can also now Archive mail you need to keep, report mail easily and you can also quickly send mail to your Marapals! There is also a very cool Maramail Search for you to search through your saved messages for the ones you need!

We reached 200,000 Members!!! To celebrate, the second we reached 200,000 members 2 members who were online were randomly sent an Enchanted Chibs Plushie! Congratulations to jofa and mathwiz!

8th October 2005
19 years, 5 months & 4 days ago

Galleries have now been released. You can get to them by going to Enpiah for now. We will add a link to your profiles later in the week, but for now this is the only way. Your gallery size and your shop size are the same. You can also use one of its cool features to chose which order you would like items to load in your gallery!

We have also re-coded Shops and the Shop Search. The user shops are for selling items only now, so EVERYTHING you put in there is buyable (except for hidden items at 0MP). You can also sell items for upto 250,000MP in your shop. Shop Sizes have also returned.

Trades and Auctions have also been re-coded. Completed auctions and trades are now stored and processed together by the server to avoid any errors. Please check the status page for an estimated time - although it should only take 1 minute maximum to process.

We would like to thank you all for your patience this week while we have been re-coded lots of the site to prepare it for our server changes. All errors should be fixed by tomorrow. If we can collect enough money this month we should be able to afford the hardware we need. Lots of big projects on the way...
3rd October 2005
19 years, 5 months & 10 days ago

The Leido has been revamped now. The new one is alot nicer!

There are three new Avatars hidden.. can you find them?
1st October 2005
19 years, 5 months & 12 days ago

October is here and new month brings new Upgrades. This month all donations will pay for our new servers, which should be set up tomorrow or by next weekend. We have gone from 6 last month, to 9 today, to 19 tomorrow. Thanks for helping to support us.

This new battle opponent comes from Enpiah and is with the new upgrades Acne Trading Card?

This new Health Potion can be used in battle to heal to full HP!

DNA MINIPETS - The new DNA Minipets Laboratory has opened in Enpiah. Dr Yekyll can breed two species of Marapets to become a cool new DNA Minipet! However, not all combinations have been released, but by tomorrow there should be 53 new DNA Minipets all with 11 colours. You need DNA though...
Here is an example of one of his operations:

Chibs +
Doyle +
Yellow DNA =
Yellow Choyle

Here are a few of the new DNA Minipets.

You can choose one of ten new DNA items with this month's Gold Account.

You can also get a rarity 30 Starry Costume that will never restock in the main shops. Here is the Starry Rofling and Starry Grint too! The trophies, lottery and other updates will be done by tomorrow. Please note that all scores will be reset at midnight MST for the arcade trophy to start again.
25th September 2005
19 years, 5 months & 17 days ago

NEW FRONTPAGE - We have finally changed the frontpage of Marapets. It has only ever changed twice in the 13 months we have been open, but this time the change is staying. We hope you like the changes - it should really help us attract new members who do not know what we have to offer.

This new battle opponent comes from Enpiah. But how do you get this Xor Trading Card?

The Battle Huthiq poses have now been completed. You can also use your Orange and Purple Costumes on your new Huthiq - if you can get one!

NEW SHOP - The stars shop has opened for business on the Planet Enpiah. Already, 25 different constellations of stars are restocking. Everyone wants a piece of the Maradan Universe - and now you can!

One of the prizes from Ublish's Lair is this new Furry Costume. This is how the Furry Doyle looks.

The Planet Enpiah is now on the Ziranek map.

There are now nine more Illegal Concoctions restocking.

There is a new Plushie Costume and you can use it on the Huthiq. You can also get a new Baby Huthiq!

Can you find this new Stars avatar?

Ublish's Lair has now opened in Enpiah! Ublish is a spoilt Huthiq who wants to own the whole of Marada. You can help him on his mission, by collecting constellations of stars for him. If you can complete the 30 levels of his quest, you will receive some of these amazing prizes... if you fail, you will have to start again.

24th September 2005
19 years, 5 months & 19 days ago

NEW WORLD - The planet Enpiah has been discovered! Technology in Ziranek is getting better everyday, and now Marapets can fly from Ziranek to Enpiah. Be warned, this world is extremely weird. Please click on the map below to get there, until it is added to the Ziranek map later today.

There are now six more Illegal Concoctions restocking.

The Portal has now been moved to Enpiah. It will be removed from Ziranek later today.

NEW MARAPET - the 25th Marapet has now been discovered on the planet Enpiah! Huthiq is limited edition and should be obtainable within the next few days, as more of the world is released.

There is also a default avatar for Huthiq.
20th September 2005
19 years, 5 months & 22 days ago

With thanks to everyone who has supported us, some of our new servers are finally set up. You should notice that the site is a little faster, but the main part of the upgrade was for more space. This has already allow bigger Profiles - with maximum space of 1,000 characters and allow certain html. Signatures are also back too!

We now have new Club Poll and Club Quiz systems. They look much better and work now!

There is a new Secret Blog for you to find! Its been so long since the last one...

18th September 2005
19 years, 5 months & 24 days ago

Sorry for the lack of news updates recently. The site is constantly being worked on but some of it we have decided not to add to the news, such as server changes and improvements, until it is all completed. Please be patient.

NEW SHOP - Illegal Concoctions has now opened up on the planet Enpiah. However, as the technology in Ziranek is still not advanced enough to get to the planet, please click on the shopkeeper below to get there. Enpiah should be out within the next few weeks. These concoctions are some of the rarest items that actually restock, and have some very very useful outcomes.

Lots of old Avatars have been revamped!

Here are four new Avatars for you to find! They are not easy...

12th September 2005
19 years, 5 months & 30 days ago

The Bolimo has been updated.

The Clubs have had a new look. We hope you like the improvements to them.

There is now a Profile icon for farm and garage quests.

As so many have asked for new Referral Prizes, at 1000 referrals we will reward you with an random unbuyable Quell Potion!! These do not include any upgrade quell potions.
4th September 2005
19 years, 6 months & 8 days ago

The Osafo has just been updated.

We should be running slightly faster now as Journals and Marasites now have a server each. Editing them is down but should be back by monday.

The Walee now looks like this!

The Lottery has been drawn. We missed out July so the total has been shared between 2 winners. The winning numbers are 18, 08, 15, 17, 02, 24 by kathythediskdrive and 1, 17, 2, 6, 9, 20 bycassie88. Congratulations!
31st August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 12 days ago

As September is only a few hours away, the new Account Upgrade prizes have been released. The prizes from June are now retired. As August's water theme was so popular, we thought we would try a fire theme this month! Here are the prizes:

A rarity 27 Fire Costume that will never restock in the main shops.

A rarity 32 Flaming Axe that will never restock in the main shops.

A rarity 42 Flayee minipet that does not restock and therefore will be rare.

A rarity 49 Phospho Trading Card that will never restock in the main shops. Add this opponent to your deck, and earn the BP!

A rare, limited edition Fire Tantua Potion or Fire Quell Potion. These items will never restock and will retire. There is a one in four chance that you will get a Quell potion instead of a Tantua one.

As you can see from the Fire Tantua above, the Tantua has been given a fresh new look. Now it's my favourite pet =D

There are now nine new Beds restocking in the furniture shop. All previously unreleased furniture will be added today.

29th August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 13 days ago

If you haven't already seen the preview this is the new look for the Doyle.

There are now nine new Chairs restocking in the furniture shop.

The Paffuto had to change!

29th August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 13 days ago

As you saw before, here is the brand new Equilor. It will have the rest of its colours and poses re-drawn in the future.

There are now nine new Sofas restocking in the furniture shop.

The Murfin has also been re-drawn to look much nicer.

28th August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 14 days ago

The Grint has been redrawn. We wanted it to change so here it is. Only some of its colours have been completed, it may take a while for the other poses and colours to be completed.

There are now nine new Toilets restocking in the furniture shop.
26th August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 16 days ago

Since the Battle Arena opened on the island, so many Addows have been spotted in Marada that the pet is no longer Limited Edition. You can now create an Addow whenever you want.

Here is a preview of how the new Doyle will look!

How do you find this Mechanic Avatar?

There are now nine new Wardrobes restocking in the furniture shop.
25th August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 18 days ago

NEW LAYOUT - Our brand new layout has been introduced. Most of you know that our old layouts were very very basic, and ugly, just to make them load faster and less demand on the servers. Now we do not have to worry about this and have our brand new server. After testing it with some browswers and some computer's resolutions we found that having adverts on the right made the whole layout too wide so we have moved them to the top - it was not by choice, but they actually do not look too bad there. Hope you all like the changes!!

We thought you might to know what is happening next, as Marapets continues to improve th quality of some of its very old content. We are revamping the normal poses (basic colours only) to 19 of our Marapets. These drawings were done over a year ago, when quality was not top on our list! Here is a preview of how the new Equilor will look!

Oooh.. a Water Avatar!

There are now nine new Baths restocking in the furniture shop. All of the other furniture was not added because the furniture shop was hidden and it was unfair. Now it is in Minipet Island and all new furniture is restocking.
23rd August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 19 days ago

It has been so long since we have had some new avatars, but this Laiyee Avatar has now been hidden!!

MARAMAIL UPGRADES - As so many people have contacted us asking for an email address from Marapets, we have come up with Maramail Upgrades! We have tried to keep it very cheap, at $2.50 one time donation per 25MB space. For more information, please go to your Maramail inbox.

Marasites, Journals, Image Uploads and Clubs are now back to normal! For security reasons, we had to take them offline but they are now fixed. You should also notice the new and that we have added to improve them!

To help continue to improve the site, we have bought 10 new marapets Domain Names and 5 new Fax Numbers.
United States (413) 581-3750
Canada 1-514-372-3311
Germany 49-180-548-20036552
Netherlands 31-84-719-6938
France 33-8-2556-8226

There are now nine new Sinks restocking in the furniture shop.
22nd August 2005
19 years, 6 months & 21 days ago

After such a long time, the Zax and Rainbow avatars have finally been fixed. Sorry for the delay, and to make up for it, here is how to get them. For the Zax, you need t equip it to a pet of the same colour and view it. The Rainbow avatar is gained by viewing a rainbow minipet equipped to your rainbow pet.

We have removed the coloured Chairs from the site. If you had any of them, you should notice it has been replaced with a new Broken Table.

There is a new job avaliable in the city for pets. A job as a Teacher is now an option, with quite high income too!

There are now nine new Tables restocking in the furniture shop. The shop should be added to a map soon.