1. Your friend is unhappy. How do you make them feel better?
A. Tell them a funny joke
[B. Hug them]
C. Play some upbeat music for them
D. Well...there's no telling WHAT you'll do!
2. You are at your happiest when...
A. You're pranking your older/younger sibling
B. You're reading a romance novel or watching a soap opera
[C. You're rockin' out to the latest tunes]
D. You're never at your happiest; your mood is always changing!
3. You find 50 bucks on the ground. Where does it all go?
A. Towards prank materials and joke books
B. Towards fab Valentines gifts for your crush/girl or boyfriend
C. Towards the new CDs coming out next month
[D. You could do anything with it! Who knows?]
4. You go to a Gumball machine, stick your quarter in, and out comes a big dark brown gumball. You...
A. Chuck it at your sibling's head and tell them it's a ball of poop.
B. Give it to a friend. You don't need it.
C. Go to the mall, ask if you can trade it for that hot new release CD
[D. Eat it. It's a gumball. ]
5. You've got the whole house to yourself! What do you do while you're alone?
A. Trash your siblings' room
B. Go see a movie with your crush/bf or gf
[C. Invite a "few friends" over for a "small dance party"]
D. Whatever you feel like