Pet mix up!!
17 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
19th Jul 2007 09:13 The date is July 19,2007. I just got my walee a few hours ago. Yesterday I got a shaved costume real cheap. Now, my friend asks me how Aunni is. But..she prononced it Annie, then Uni, then Bunni, then she gave up. My other friend gave it a shot. She wound up becoming tongue tied. Now, when I first got Satar, they both thought it was Catare or CaTAR. So I will tell you how to prononce my pets names and their nicknames.
Name Prononcing
Tepii=Tey-pi (ee)
Aunni=Suga, Buttercup, Uni and Huni
Satar=SaSa, Cutie, Loulip and Etoile(french for star)
Tepii=Hexe (german for witch), Tep-tep, Titi