Almost 10 years later...
7 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
8th Sep 2017 13:10 Ages ago, back in 2008 to be exact, I started working on Eleka goals. Guess where I got stopped at? One of the first few levels, have a Voodoo colored pet. Yep. Didn't really know anyone too well and was too shy to ask for a trade to finish the goal. ((Trading was a bit scarier then too)) Now almost 10 years later I finally just chalked up the money for a voodoo costume and put it on one of my pets. Now I'm flying Eleka goals and couldn't be happier.
Its also been about 10 years since I've changed Sebastian31's color at all! I've been holding out forever for a few certain costumes. Well, since I haven't gotten my hands on a Dark or Gothic costume for him ((and am too afraid to put him in Opertaions Portal)) he ended up getting the Voodoo costume! Yay!
So overhall my MP bank is a little emptier, but am happier that after 10 years I'm finally progressing in my Mara gameplay ^.^