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Minipet Island
Training Type | Pet Level | Crystals Needed | Time to Train |
Newbie | 1-25 | 1 | 1 hour |
Basic | 26-50 | 2 | 2 hours |
Trainer | 51-90 | 3 | 3 hours |
Intermediate | 91-125 | 4 | 4 hours |
Advanced | 126-145 | 5 | 6 hours |
Expert | 146-150 | 6 | 8 hours |
Master | 151-175 | 7 | 12 hours |
Grand Master | 176-200 | 8 | 24 hours |
Ultimate | 201-300 | 10 | 24 hours |
Ultimate Master | 300+ | 13 | 24 hours |