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Marapets is mobile friendly
26th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 19 days ago

These Ideus Plushies are now in the Plushie Machine!

The missing Huthiq Plushies have arrived...

25th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 20 days ago

Plushie collectors will like these new Viotto Plushies...

These new Newth Plushies have also been added to the Plushie Machine

24th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 21 days ago

These new Rofling Plushies are now in the Plushie Machine:

There are also some new Equilor Plushies...

20th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 25 days ago

The Troll is the latest mission, this time for Musical Instruments. Like Tarquin's Library, the Troll wants a pet that has learnt a certain instrument. The difference is, the Troll is only avaliable every other hour, during the night at the Castle. Also, each time you complete his missions, the level required for the instruments will increase. Remember to check the time on the site before you start the mission!

Changes have been made to Baspinar's Castle. Every hour, the map changes. At even hours (02,04,etc) it is night time and at odd hours (03,05,etc) it is day time. During the night the inside of the Castle will be closed, the bridge will be up and you will be able to visit the Troll that lives under the bridge. During the day, the Troll will be unavaliable and the inside of the Castle will be open.

This Troll Avatar has now been hidden. I wonder how you get it...

The Rotten Costume is one of the Troll's prizes. This is what the Rotten Sindi, Leido and Ideus look like:

The Mommi is the newest battle opponent - also a prize of the Troll!

The 32nd marapet has been released! The Oglue is limited edition and you can only get one from a potion, from the Troll missions.
20th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 25 days ago

The are lots of new Zetlian Plushies...

The Huthiq and Leido are now avaliable in Sketch!

These new Yakubi Plushies are so cute!

The Leido, Doyle and Equilor are now avaliable in Radioactive...

There are also new Huthiq Plushies!

Those on Ublish Missions beware - there are four new constellations of Stars restocking!

This is what the new Gonk Plushies look like....

We have hidden a new Avatar for the Tweblud minipet.

These missing Bolimo Plushies have been added to the Plushie Machine.

Finally, these missing Azul Plushies are now in the Plushie Machine.

19th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 26 days ago

The Editorial for this week has been released.
18th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 27 days ago

After spending the last few weeks of testing, we have found the best way to position the site's Layout and how to make the site easier to use. We have taken down the advert at the very top of the page and replaced it with new buttons, making the content of the site higher up the page for you. We have also removed all adverts that have confused people, or been positioned in annoying places. We also discovered that one of the main problems was finding pages that were not major sections, such as the Editorial. To fix this problem, we have added 'Also Try...' links at right side of the page in most of the site. They list pages we believe are related to the page you are at, and should help you to navigate the site much better. If you do have any more suggestions for improving the nagivation of the site, please submit it to the Editorial. The actual design of the site is being redesigned for the summer!

The Plushie Machine has received a very much need make over. It looks great now!

We have great news for Plushie Collectors! Laimay is currently working on plushies and enchanted plushies for all of the pet colours on the site that are missing. It is a huge project, but we are almost complete. Here are some new Addow Plushies to start with...
15th May 2006
18 years, 9 months & 30 days ago

The Fasoro is now available in radioactive!

Five new Stamps for you to collect are restocking...

Ublish has added 5 new Stars to his list! They are now restocking at the Star Shop.

And finally, the Editorial Avatar has been hidden for you to find...

13th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 1 day ago

The Editorial for this week has been released.

12th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 2 days ago

We have just released a new system for you to help Promote Marapets. Its simple to do and rewards you weekly. You basically copy and paste a html code onto a website, or you copy and paste a forum code to your forum signature on other sites and you can start gaining the rewards. Unlike the Referral System, you do not need to refer new members to the site to get a prize. All you need to do is add the code to a site to get prizes. Its works by recording the site you have placed the code onto and each week calculates how many Cool Prizes you should get by the number of different sites it shows on! Prizes can even be Account Upgrades credit, DNA or a limited edition minipet! Virtual Pets | Games
11th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

Level 29 : Diet Tomato Marapop

Clue : 'Mmmmm protein and vitamins all in one'

click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

11th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

Level 28 : Diet Cranberry Marapop

Clue : 'A really big task'

click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

11th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 3 days ago

Level 27 : Diet Cheese Marapop

Clue : 'Picks loads up, since he is experienced'

click here for more information about the Mega Marapoptastic Extraveganza

8th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 6 days ago

The Poera is now available in sketch!

Five new Stamps for you to collect are restocking...

7th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 7 days ago

The April Prize Giveaway has now been drawn! The lucky winners are:
Playstation Portable - brentsmom
1GB Ipod Nano - sobolan
$50 Account Upgrades credit - Petcollector, Thissle, kitty4u6, Guineapigsrule, navygirl
$15 April Gold Upgrade - Tigernut, Genome, Palomita91, Scooterb, baker534, scorpion, m33epst3r, __spy, marzobebe24, cinnabar
$5 April Bronze Upgrade - BaronBaracuda, dalyrimple, darkling280, angel1997, Shalott, stoerevleermuis, slipknot26zero, jewells, indygo, Cracked24, LawrenceGreen1973, tgirl3300, JakeThaProdigy, the_anna135, soaringeagle, Adakaleh, mtw92,cuponer, maramara780, lambdaone

Four new Stamps are restocking...

Several Minipets are now available in lots of new colours.

And can you find this environmentally-friendly Recycled Avatar?
7th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 7 days ago

The Editorial for this week has been released.

The Winners of the April Prize Draw will be released later today.
6th May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 8 days ago

We have released more Dukka Coins to make the currency more interesting. You can also exchange any of the coins in Dukka Caves for smaller or higher coins. Coins worth more than 9 Dukkas will receive a 10% charge.

The Glowing Egg Enthusiast avatar has been activated.

The City of Marada has decided to start to tackle the problem of Global Warming by becoming the most sustainable city in the world. It has started by opening a Recycling Centre. All of those Marapops that are being given out from the Marapop event are being dumped and now the City is offering incentives for you to recycle them instead! For every can that you recycle, you will receive points that can be used to redeem cool prizes! The centre is in the City but it has not been labelled properly yet. You can get great prizes from a Recycled Costume to the Glowing Recycled Egg that has been on the top of most of your wishlists for months!

The Knutt, Viotto and Rofling can now use the Recycling Costume!

The rarity of all Marapops have been changed to rarity 8.

Two new items have been added to the Pirate Ship!
2nd May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 12 days ago

The May Giveaway has now started. A new checklist has been created and a new set of $1,000 worth of prizes has been added. This month instead of a Playstation Portable, the main prize is a Nintendo DS! We will most likely find out who the winners are for April this weekend. Remember that you have 7 days to claim your prize or it will be given to someone else! You will need to make sure you check back regularly. Good luck!! Free iPod Nano

The Dukka Coins have been redrawn and look much nicer now!

The Account Upgrades for May have been released, with a Stoneage theme to them this month! Here are some of the great rewards:
A very limited edition Seven Hundred and Fifty Dukka Coin! This can be exchanged for smaller amounts at the Coin Exchange, spent at Dukka Town, Dukka Caves or the Pirate Ship or saved for Smuggling...

A Stoneage Costume that can already be used on the Ercuw, Gonk and Feliz!

The Caveman Trading Card that you can add to you battle deck.

And finally, this new minipet - the Reon!
1st May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 13 days ago

Hope you enjoyed the Server Problems today as much as we enjoyed fixing them! They have been fixed now and the site is running well again.

The Gonk has been updated and now can be zombie, mutant and prison! We have removed the tooth that was added for april fools day.
1st May 2006
18 years, 10 months & 14 days ago

The Layout changes have finally almost been completed. Since the huge change from green to blue, each page of the site has been edited to change to the new layout. We have also opened up 50% of the site to Guests so they can look around the site before they join.

Eight new Stamps are restocking....

The Easter Egg Hunt and April Free Prize Draw have now finished. The May Free Prize Draw and Marapop Event will begin in a few days.

To help further improve the great User Support we provide we have created an Editorial. This will be answered almost every week by Laimay and Ian. This is your chance to ask questions directly to them, submit your ideas and find out more about them. Please do not maramail or ticket these anymore! Remember that Support Chat is used to quickly report a scam/scammer/cheater/spammer/inappropriate post/maramail and the Tickets are for other user support and glitches. You cannot use them for gaming help - use the forums or the websites in the Help Section instead! Editorial
30th April 2006
18 years, 10 months & 14 days ago

Today is the LAST day for you to complete the Easter Egg Hunt and the April Free Prize Draw. If you haven't completed them now hurry!

We have updated the Stamp Albums. There are new pages and we will be releasing more stamps over the next few weeks. 14 new stamps are now restocking!

May Account Upgrades will be released later this week which will retire the December upgrades. If you would like a December set, you only have a few more days!

As the site is growing so fast, the forums have been changed to keep up with the large amount of active players we have online. A SPAM forum has been set up that pays no mp and does not increase your post count. This is the only place for chat speak, short posts, random topics, signature and/or font testing and other SPAM. The other boards all have to remain on topic. New members cannot use any forums other than Newbie Chat for their first 24 hours on the site, so please watch over this forum to welcome and help new members. Bumping topics is banned - all replies must have a valid point. Posts with the word bump in them will not work. You can also gain access to other forums when you are a player for one month and then again at three months. The same forum rules apply - press the report button if you see any posts/topics that do not follow the rules.

Just a reminder that you are only allowed one account. If you have any other accounts, please write to staff to have them frozen. If other members of your family play, please add a note of this on your profile, listing their usernames. We can easily catch cheaters and this week will be using three months of logs to catch any one who has broken this rule.

23rd April 2006
18 years, 10 months & 21 days ago

More Image and Layout servers have been added to our network now, so we shouldn't have anymore problems with their loading times. We are now saving up for a Sun Fire V40z 64bit server to move all of our large databases, which are currently struggling with the rapid growth we are experiencing. Some days we have over 6,000 new members joining and each of the have items, pets, avatars, marasites, etc so we are going to move to Oracle when we can afford it. This will be a longterm fix for the site, as we can easily add more servers without any downtime whenever we need them. We will keep you updated with our progress, we still need just over $55,000 - hence the extra adverts around the site. Anyone thinking about buying an Account Upgrade, the money will be going towards this.

The Easter Egg Hunt is now giving out prizes! You will still be able to complete the hunt for the rest of the week.

There are 4 new Hidden Avatars for you to find!
15th April 2006
18 years, 10 months & 29 days ago

The Easter Egg Hunt has started for 2006. Every year, our week long event begins on Easter Sunday. This year there are 24 levels. At each level you will be told where the next easter egg is hidden - but you will first have to work out what the clue is saying as it is shuffled. Once you have completed a level your egg will be added to your Basket, which can be found in Candyland. Once the event is over, which should be in the news next Sunday, you can go to your basket and collect your prizes! Those who complete all 24 levels will get a set of prizes shown below and one of each of the Easter Eggs. Those who do not manage to get all 24 will just get to keep the eggs in their basket. Good luck! The first clue is mSap uAmlbt

The Easter Egg Hunt has been added to the Candyland map.

You can win all of the following Prizes for FREE if you complete all 24 levels! There will also be an Avatar released as one of the prizes that will retire next week!

A new temporary forum has been set up for you to work together for the Easter Egg Hunt.

This is the newest Battle Opponent named Cracked you can get from the Easter Egg Hunt!
15th April 2006
18 years, 10 months & 29 days ago

NEW DAILY - The Tombola has opened in Baspinar's Castle. You can play for free once every 8 hours. If your ticket ends in 0, 2 or 5 you win a prize - if not, you will receive a small amount of BP!

The Marada map has now been labelled for Baspinar's Castle.
15th April 2006
18 years, 10 months & 29 days ago

NEW PET - The 31st Marapet has finally been released. Originally as an April Fools joke, we have received hundreds of tickets, emails, maramails and seen lots of posts on the forums wanting one of these pets. Therefore, due to popular demand we have released the Gonk as a non limited edition pet for anyone to create! The battle poses have now been completed too.

The Gonk can also become grey, black, white, pink, orange and purple!