All of our new Servers have now finally been set up. It may not seem like it, but for the past 4 months we have been trying to get the perfect set up for Marapets so that in the future we can easily expand without having to limit what we have to offer! Please be patient and expect a few problems and random downtime this week. You should notice that from next week that downtime will be a thing of the past and that now we have all of the servers set up, we can get back to daily news updates!
The Newth is the latest pet to be revamped. We hope you really like the changes!

If you haven't noticed already, we have added the link to MaraTalk underneath the side bar. We haven't told you much about it recently, but it will be a free downloadable program simililar to many popular instant messengers where you can login with your Marapets account (over 13s only) and chat to other members in real-time. There are TONS of unique features coming along with it, and its looking great...
Pet Profiles and Maramail have new icons - they look much nicer now.
And finally, as we haven't had an new Avatar in a while, here is three new ones!
Maramail has been updated! Thanks to the support of all members, we were able to get Maramail its own server. You can now store upto 1,000 maramails! You can also now Archive mail you need to keep, report mail easily and you can also quickly send mail to your Marapals! There is also a very cool Maramail Search for you to search through your saved messages for the ones you need!
We reached 200,000 Members!!! To celebrate, the second we reached 200,000 members 2 members who were online were randomly sent an Enchanted Chibs Plushie! Congratulations to jofa and mathwiz!

Galleries have now been released. You can get to them by going to Enpiah for now. We will add a link to your profiles later in the week, but for now this is the only way. Your gallery size and your shop size are the same. You can also use one of its cool features to chose which order you would like items to load in your gallery!
We have also re-coded Shops and the Shop Search. The user shops are for selling items only now, so EVERYTHING you put in there is buyable (except for hidden items at 0MP). You can also sell items for upto 250,000MP in your shop. Shop Sizes have also returned.
Trades and Auctions have also been re-coded. Completed auctions and trades are now stored and processed together by the server to avoid any errors. Please check the status page for an estimated time - although it should only take 1 minute maximum to process.
We would like to thank you all for your patience this week while we have been re-coded lots of the site to prepare it for our server changes. All errors should be fixed by tomorrow. If we can collect enough money this month we should be able to afford the hardware we need. Lots of big projects on the way...
With thanks to everyone who has supported us, some of our new servers are finally set up. You should notice that the site is a little faster, but the main part of the upgrade was for more space. This has already allow bigger Profiles - with maximum space of 1,000 characters and allow certain html. Signatures are also back too!
We now have new Club Poll and Club Quiz systems. They look much better and work now!
There is a new Secret Blog for you to find! Its been so long since the last one...
The Osafo has just been updated.

We should be running slightly faster now as Journals and Marasites now have a server each. Editing them is down but should be back by monday.
The Walee now looks like this!

The Lottery has been drawn. We missed out July so the total has been shared between 2 winners. The winning numbers are 18, 08, 15, 17, 02, 24 by kathythediskdrive and 1, 17, 2, 6, 9, 20 bycassie88. Congratulations!
Marapets reached its 1st birthday on the 15th August. As we are now in the second year, we are making many important changes to the site. Over the next few weeks, Marapets will have a lot of its old features upgraded and the whole site will be improved. Be prepared for a lot of changes.
The Terms and Conditions to the site have changed. Please read them.
All users over 13 will now have to verify their account with an email address in order to take advantage of certain parts of the site. There is also now a new Preferences page!
Nine new site images have been added. These include the new Privacy Policy, Shop Search and Terms and Conditions images. We will continue to improve and update out dated images over the next few weeks.
A new News system has been introduced. It will now be much easier to view old news. We have deleted all news from last year as it was filled with broken images and wrong information.